Now that the move is (hopefully) imminent we needed something to store all the stuff that's currently under the house.... hence the shed. According to the instructions, building the shed is a simple 5-step process - 5 steps that took 2 weekends and about 15 hours! And required an angle grinder to fix one design fault in the ridge cap whereby it would have been impossible to otherwise fix the roof onto the walls. The other definite design fault was the fact that the pre-riveted door hinges could not possibly have allowed the doors to close flush with the door reveals because the reveals were effectively smaller than the thickness of the door itself! But several hundred self tapping screws later, the shed is finally up. Notice the rustic dirt floor, lined with scavenged pallets. Never let it be said we don't build quality. Oh yes, and let's hope we don't get any strong winds over the next twelve months.